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The Sacred Source

What is Scalar Energy?

It is Scalar Light emitted continuously from the Sun of our Solar System, and all the Stars in the Universe.

The Architect of Life

Scalar Light is the animating life force of all spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical activity in the Universe.

The Divine Intelligence

Scalar Light is omnipresent and serves as the carrier wave of all intelligence and information in the Universe.

The Standardized Sessions Include Daily Benefits to Body, Mind, & Spirit.

These foundational pillars are included
daily in our 15-day free trial

Pathogen Cleanse

Scalar Light disassembles and eradicates the molecular bonds to the DNA/RNA of over 400,000 species of harmful pathogens, heavy metals, and environmental chemicals. This frees the immune system to restore homeostasis.

Essential Nutrient Program

Scalar Light assembles and maintains the molecular bonds of all essential earth elements transmuting them into essential nutrients, minerals, and fatty acids, fortifying the entire body-mind-soul system.

Chakra Balancing Program

Scalar Light saturates all chakra energy centers with sacred holographic frequencies harmonizing imbalances in the auric fields and the conscious, unconscious and subconscious minds.