Positive Thinking, Energy, Better Sleep, Lost 5 lbs!
by Scalar Light | Jun 26, 2017 | Female Hormone Program Testimonials
Hi Tom,
I felt really wonderful during my scalar free sessions. I was positive, slept well, lost 5 pounds that week and had tons of energy. I had to drive 2-13 hr days and I couldn't believe I could even do it as my 5 hr trip to Chicago exhausts me and I want to get a hotel half way.
So that was amazing. Just clear, wrote down big confident plans...then by Saturday I was my old tired self again and feeling like I couldn't pull off all those big plans I had written down. So I rested up and now my energy is up and down but whatever that was I'd like to have it all the time. So if I had the money I would definitely do it and it would help me earn money because of the confidence and the focus that I had during my sessions