I think the digestive therapy has been very good
by Scalar Light | Jul 13, 2024 | Female Hormone Program Testimonials
I think the digestive therapy has been very good. I went on it because I’m constantly having horrible heartburn which I was diagnosed with Barrett’s pre-cancer esophagus and I don’t know 2010 and then you know they they looked at it and they said we’re gonna put you on Annie, what is omeprazole and for heartburn which I sometimes have to take twice a day and then I’m burping all the time like repeats and I eat listen to this doctor in Australia and she is like a few repeat you just need to cut it out of your diet she’s talking about burping and I mean but I burp even after I drink water for goodness sakes and I’m so I am think I’m gonna need to stay on that program For at least another four months .